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Can a Family Member Get Paid to be a Caregiver?

Yes – absolutely. Become your loved one’s caregiver as a CNA while supporting your family as a PASCO employee.

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Group 23

Who knows what’s going on with your loved one better than you?

Easily become a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) for your loved one by beginning with just a few steps.

Check Out Our Detailed CNA Guide

Contact PASCO for initial phone introduction


Complete application


Select an accredited CNA school to attend


Attend CNA school


Attend PASCO training


Take CNA exam


Start of Care

Who is eligible?

Eligibility is determined by Colorado Medicaid standards and specific criteria for receiving CNA service. An evaluation determines a plan of care, based on eligible services and the needs of your loved one. A typical plan of care involves multiple scheduled visits each day to support your loved one’s daily activities.

Not quite sure what type of service is best for your unique situation? IHSS & CNA options can be confusing so we put together a guide to help you compare options.

IHSS vs. CNA Comparison Guide

What is a CNA / Family Member as CNA

A CNA is a certified nursing assistant, their duties are to help perform various tasks in order to help patients in need. They work directly under a licensed nurse in a variety of different ways, including most of the basic care necessities of patients.

When it comes to home care, it can be especially comforting to have a family member as a CNA; And as such we want to provide as much information to you as possible if this is something you would be interested in.

Eligibility is determined by Colorado Medicaid standards and you must meet specific criteria, but otherwise, there is no reason that a family member cannot become a CNA to help out their family member(s).

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PASCO Involvement

  • We offer a reliable 24/7 on-call and back-up team, available to assist with care as necessary.
  • Our nurses provide oversight and visit regularly to answer any questions and observe potential changes to the plan of care.
  • Our central office staff interacts with case managers and physicians in support of clients and employees.
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