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What is a PASA?

PASCO is proud to be a PASA since 2015. Learn about PASAs and how they allow us to provide individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities the services and tools they need to achieve long-term community engagement and independence.

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PASA, Defined

A PASA, or Program Approved Service Agency, is an agency that has been approved to provide direct home and community-based services to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) that are approved for Medicaid services. This approval allows for families to have vastly expanded options and support that best complement their loved one’s unique needs.


Yes! PASCO is a PASA and can service all three HCBS waivers that are intended for individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. PASCO provides individualized service and support for both adults and children, including navigating the transition into adulthood.

What Waivers can PASCO Service as a PASA?

As a PASA, PASCO may provide services under the CES, DD, and SLS waivers within our IDD program. IDD waiver services provide support and supervision for those who live with family members, as well as day habilitation services. Some of these waiver benefits include community connector, respite, personal care, homemaker, and more. Another additional benefit, accessed specifically under the DD waiver, is IRSS or Individual Residential Services and Supports. The goal of IRSS is to create a supportive environment in the home for your loved one with family and agency-provided service providers to improve self-care and independence. This benefit acts as an alternative to the traditional host-home setting.

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IDD Waivers

CES Waiver

Helps children and families by providing services and support that establish a long-term foundation for community inclusion as they transition into adulthood.

SLS Waiver

This waiver is available to supplement individuals who are principally supported by their friends or family members. Includes services like community inclusion, mentorship, personal care, and more for adults.

DD Waiver

Provides 24/7 residential support and supervision for adults who live with members of their family, as well as day habilitation services.

Can PASCO Help with My Child’s Transition into Adulthood?

Absolutely. We understand that the transition to adulthood at age 18 is a complicated process for a loved one with a disability. Starting the discussion early and being educated on your options can ensure that your loved one continues to receive the level of service and supports they deserve. Our knowledgeable team can guide your family through the entire transition process and find the waiver options that best fit the needs and preferences of you and your loved one.

How do I get started?

Reach out to our intake team for more information! Our knowledgeable team is happy to help and answer any questions you may have about PASCO and the waivers we service.

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