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A bus or light rail ride with RTD is free for the entirety of July and August!

RTD is offering no-cost trips as part of its “Zero Fare for Better Air” initiative. No matter where you’re riding in August, whether it be from Thornton to the airport or Littleton to Denver, you can enjoy the trip for free! Accessible seats are available in all RTD trains and busses.

It all comes thanks to the passing of Colorado Senate Bill 22-180 in partnership with the Colorado Energy Office. The bill allows RTD to receive a grant to help cover costs of running the state’s buses and trains. The Colorado Energy Office says the program is meant to be beneficial in many ways. It’s part of a broader effort to improve air quality, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and save Coloradans money on transportation.

To view RTD routes, calculate your commute, and see available schedules, click here.

Learn more about how the fight to make public transportation accessible for everyone began here in Denver with the Gang of 19!

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