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Advocacy Updates by David Bolin

Input Needed on New Medicaid Waiver

Community First Choice is a waiver available to states that allows for self-direction in long-term care under the state plan. This waiver expands service delivery options like In-Home Support Services (IHSS) and Consumer Directed Attendant Services and Supports (CDASS) to people who are not on the currently authorized HCBS waivers.  The state is required to form a Community First Choice Implementation Council and the first meeting of the Council will be on Wednesday, May 4, 2022, from 10-noon.  It is important that clients and their families make their voices heard in this setting, to ensure it meets the client’s needs.  The projected start date for Community First Choice is 2025.  For more information click here. The meeting is open to the public and part of the Advocacy Team will be attending the meeting.

Webinar/Call-in Information:
Google Meet Link:
Call-in Number: 1-260-230-1249 / Pin: 719 313 221#
Virtual/Phone Meeting Only


Let Your Voice Be Heard!

Interested in seeing the opportunities Medicaid offers for you to give input into long-term care services? They publish a calendar of meetings that are open to the public HERE.

COVID 19 Public Health Emergency Extended

The Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services extended the COVID 19 Public Health Emergency earlier in April. This extends the emergency for another 90 days.  For our staff and clients, this means that the State cannot disenroll Medicaid recipients except when a person requests to go off Medicaid, when they move out of state, or pass away.  The Secretary stated he would give 60 days’ notice to State Medicaid Directors when he plans to end the Public Health Emergency.  Once the state receives that 60-day notice, they will work very hard with Counties to get redetermination packets out to Medicaid recipients.  Since it has been over 2 years since this has happened, it is highly recommended that you check your address on to ensure the packet is mailed to the correct address.  Medicaid recipients must complete the paperwork and submit it to their County along with all backup documentation requested by the deadline in the cover letter to the packet.   If you need assistance with your packet, contact your PASCO service coordinator or your case manager.

Medicaid Case Management Redesign

We have had articles talking about Medicaid’s Case Management Redesign project in past newsletters. The Redesign is moving toward implementation in October of this year and the changes will affect all HCBS clients.  The new Assessment and Support Planning Tool will be used for all HCBS waivers, and the assessment can take up to 4 hours to complete with the case manager.  To learn more about this process, please click here.

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