New Colorado Timesheet Requirements!

Avoid additional work by submitting a Live-In Caregiver Form

New timesheet requirements from the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy & Financing (HCPF) are here. This means that caregivers will need to start electronically recording their current time and location at the start and end of each visit.  Live-In Caregivers can avoid this requirement by completing the Live-In Caregiver Form. PASCO will manage the paperwork from there.

Do you live with the Client(s) that you care for?

Benefits of Submitting a Live-In Caregiver form:

Avoid documenting the location of care being provided.
Avoid clocking in at exact time care is starting.
Avoid clocking out at exact time care is ending.

*Proof of address is required for BOTH the caregiver and the client(s). See What counts as proof of address? for more information.

Further Information

(click below to expand)

What is the EVV mandate?

  • The Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) oversees how caregivers and agencies, including PASCO, interact with Medicaid. HCPF has issued a new regulation that requires caregivers to record additional information when documenting every visit.  The new information is called Electronic Visit Verification (EVV), and it requires caregivers to record their current time and location at the beginning and end of every visit.  Caregivers who live with their client AND complete the Live-In Caregiver Attestation Form do NOT need to comply with these additional requirements.

What is the Live-In Caregiver Form?

  • The Live-In Caregiver Form is an electronic form that makes it easier for live-in caregivers to certify (or attest) that they live with one or more of their clients and avoid the new EVV mandate. Your submitted form will be stored by PASCO and shared with HCPF as necessary to prove your live-in status.

Who qualifies as a Live-In Caregiver?

  • Caregivers are classified as “live-in” if they can prove they meet one of the following conditions:
    1. The caregiver resides at the same address as their client(s) AND the caregiver owns the home.
    2. The caregiver resides at the same address as their client(s) but DOES NOT own the home.
    3. The caregiver is at the client(s) residence more than 120 hours per week OR spends less than 120 hours per week working and sleeping at the client’s residence, but spends 5 consecutive days or nights there.

What counts as proof of my address?

Caregiver Proof of Address

These are the documents that HCPF will accept as proof of your address (copies or pictures are acceptable):

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A state ID showing current residency
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Address listed on a tax return for the current or previous year
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Current automobile registration
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Current voter registration card
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Utility or other household bill printed within the last three months
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Bank account statement printed within the last three months

Client Proof of Address

  • If your client is an adult, the same list of acceptable documents applies for your client.
  • If your client is a minor, the easiest way to prove their address is to log into the Medicaid benefits portal and take a screenshot of their address. We can help you with this process if you’re not familiar with the Medicaid portal. If the Medicaid portal is showing an outdated address for your client, you will need to update the address with Medicaid first.
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Medicaid records

What happens after I complete the form?

  • PASCO will review the files you have attached, verify that the form is complete, and store it for HCPF’s review.
  • Keep an eye out for communication about EVV from PASCO.
  • In late summer, we will start training everyone who has completed this form on the new mobile app for live-in caregivers
  • Everyone who hasn’t completed this form will be trained on the new EVV mobile app.

What if my live-in caregiver status changes?

  • If at any point your live-in caregiver status changes simply send an email to and the PASCO team will reach out to you with the next steps.
Let's Get Started


Please email or call (303) 233-3122 and ask for support.